YUIMA NAKAZATO has been striving to realize a future vision for humanity in which "Eventually, each and every garment will be unique and different". His quest for the pursuit of this radical idea, this democratization of haute couture, began in 2016. Upon rendezvous with Spiber and THE EUGENE studio, the journey begins anew.

Garment, science, and art - a trio of disparate elements that speak to a shared spirit, to a belief in the potential of realizing a future full of hope. The fusion of these three domains by YUIMA NAKAZATO, Spiber, and THE EUGENE Studio leads to a journey expanded in scope and rife with possibilities.

For the past half year, we have travelled between Tokyo, Yamagata, and Paris to expand this collection from its core concept, all the while considering the path that humanity should walk moving forward. The inspiration we received from each location spans nature, culture, history, and cutting- edge technology.

We believe that success in establishing a new relationship between humans and clothing will lead to a more plentiful, auspicious world. We presented this collection in the city of Paris, with the hope that it may serve as the first step toward such a future; not as merely another step on the path that humanity has trod thus far, but a step, in fact, taken in an entirely new direction.


YUIMA NAKAZATOはこれまで、「やがて、衣服は一点物しか存在しなくなる」という、人類の未来の姿を想像し、 その実現に向けて様々な挑戦を続けてきました。このオートクチュールの⺠主化とも言える、革新的なアイディアを探す旅は2016年より始まり、そして今、Spiber, THE EUGENE studioとの出会を迎え、新たな門出を迎えました。


