September 02, 2022


Photo: Sangtae Kim

September 02 2022. Seoul, Korea Leeum museum

The numerous samples showcased in this exhibition provide a revealing glimpse into the constant experiments and tests that have powered this journey of discovery. The modeling process involves digitally printing different patterns onto large rectangular pieces of fabric and then submerging them in hot water, where their shrinkage and warping is very finely controlled. This is reminiscent of the traditional way of making kimonos, where a rectangular cloth is wrapped around a person’s body to be shaped — but the level of detail here is far greater in terms of actual customization to the body of a specific individual. Indeed, for most, the very notion of tailoring is rooted in the Western practice of measuring the body, cutting the cloth accordingly, and stitching it together. Nakazato’s Biosmocking technology, however, excises the need for patterns or sewing, opening up the possibility of achieving tailor-made designs with truly minimal waste.

2022年9月2日よりはじまった韓国、ソウルのリウム美術館のグループ企画展「Cloud Walkers」に招聘出品。バイオスモッキングの技術開発の発展のプロセスを実験体を使って展示。

Photo: Sangtae Kim